Lexicon Guide

From The Kingdoms MC Wiki

Definitions galore...


  • Absolute Power - Where the individuals in power have almost total control over governance without constitutional constraints.
  • Ashed - A colloquialism widely used to describe the death of a vampire who has been killed to the point where resurrection is impossible. This comes in the form of the body dying and turning to ash.


  • Bloodborne Contraction - A form of transmission whereby an illness or curse is spread through contamination from contact with blood and other body fluids.
  • Bloodline - A specific lineage of supernatural creatures, such as werewolves or vampires, descended from a single origin werewolf or progenitor vampire. Members of a supernatural bloodline share inherited traits, which include specific abilities and vulnerabilities.


  • Constitutional Power - Where the individuals in power have limited authority by virtue of a constitution or laws, often coexisting with elected bodies.
  • Constitutional Anarchy - A political system where a constitution exists to define and limit the powers of government, thus ensuring maximum individual freedom and minimal state intervention, possibly to the point where the state's role is extremely limited or non-existent.


  • Deceased - To be dead.
  • Diarchy - A form of government where two individuals share the role of head of state or head of government. This can be in the form of two monarchs (as co-kings or co-queens) or any other leadership position. The power dynamics between the two leaders can vary; they might have equal powers, or one might be subordinate to the other. Diarchies can be absolute or constitutional.

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  • Functional Immortality - A condition where a being either does not age or is otherwise incapable of dying from old age. Unlike true immortality, where an entity cannot die under any normal circumstances, functional immortality doesn't make the individual invulnerable to death by disease, injury, or other external causes. Instead, it allows for an indefinitely extended lifespan, free from the deterioration and functional decline typically associated with aging.

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  • Issue - A person's issue are all their blood-related descendants—both biological and supernatural. A person with no living, blood-related descendants is said to have died without issue (both vampiric and lycanthropic progeny may be considered issue).


  • Jure uxoris A Latin phrase meaning "by right of his wife," which describes a title of nobility used by a man because his wife holds the office or title in her own right.

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  • Monarchy - A form of government where a single individual rules as head of state for life or until abdication. This individual usually inherits the position and passes it on to their heir. Monarchies can be absolute or constitutional.
  • Mortality Mortality refers to the state of being susceptible to death. It is a condition that is inherent to all living beings, characterized by a finite lifespan and vulnerability to factors that can lead to death, such as aging, disease, injury, and other natural or external causes.

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  • Oligarchy - A form of government where a small group of people, often from similar backgrounds or interests (e.g., wealthy families, military officers, or major landowners), hold and exercise power over the state. The members of this ruling class often have aligned interests and can make decisions for their benefit, sometimes at the expense of the general population.

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  • Theocracy - A system of government in which religious leaders or institutions hold the primary governing authority, or where the legal system is based on religious law. In a theocracy, the state's governance and religious doctrine are intertwined, with leaders often claiming to rule on behalf of a god or a pantheon of gods.
  • Therianthropy - Therianthropes are beings capable of metamorphosing into animals by means of shapeshifting. Some are cursed such as in the case of lycanthropes, who take the form of a werewolf on fullmoons. Others, however, can accomplish this through magic wherein they have the potential to partially turn or completely turn into another animal.
  • True Immortality - A state wherein a being possesses an infinitely-long lifespan and nigh invulnerability to death by normal means. Beings that fall into this category are deities, who are not only immune from age, but disease, decay, and ordinary weaponry.


  • Undead - Undeath is a state of being wherein an individual, typically once living, exists in a transitional or liminal state between life and death. In this condition, the being often retains some semblance of life, such as consciousness or mobility, but lacks other characteristics associated with living organisms, like growth or biological functions. The Undead may be considered functionally immortal since being in a state of death prevents their bodies from aging.

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